Applying the minimalist style set in word 2016
Applying the minimalist style set in word 2016

If you want to change which margin your balloons appear in, their size, and whether they are linked to the text by a line, you must go into the Track Changes Options menu.


How to change where your balloons appear and their size Note: my article on customising Track Changes will tell you how to change the colours in which the comments and corrections by different reviewers appear.

applying the minimalist style set in word 2016

  • To change the font and colour of the actual paragraph of text in the balloon AND/OR the size of all of the text in the comment balloon: Styles – Comment text.
  • To change the size, font, colour etc.of the heading (Comment M2 etc) AND/OR the size of all text in the comment balloon: Styles – Balloon text.
  • To change the location and size of balloons: Track Changes – Track Changes Options.
  • I provide a recap at the end, but a summary might be useful here: If you take a look at a document with standard comment boxes, you will see they look something like this:Īnnoyingly, you will need to go to three different places to make these changes. The principles we are going to learn about here also apply when you want to customise the general styles in your document, which we will look in particular another time. You might also have preferences about which margin your comment balloons appear in, and how big they are. But the standard, default text size and layout may not be suitable for your purposes, and you might want to change it to make it more readable for someone with limited vision, etc. To be honest, the main reason for doing this is if something goes wrong.

    applying the minimalist style set in word 2016

    Why would I want to customise my comment balloons?

    applying the minimalist style set in word 2016

    Here are general instructions on customising your comment boxes (or balloons, as they are officially called) in Word. A lot of people find this blog when they’re trying to sort out specific problems with their comment boxes ( comment boxes suddenly going tiny, or comment box text running in the wrong direction, changing the language in your comment balloons).

    Applying the minimalist style set in word 2016